Source code for innoconv.manifest

The manifest comprises course metadata.

A :file:`manifest.yml` file needs to exist in every course content and resides
at the content root directory.

There is also a representation in JSON format. It is generated automatically
by the extension
:class:`WriteManifest <innoconv.extensions.write_manifest.WriteManifest>`
and copied to the output folder.

A :file:`manifest.yml` is written by course authors while the
:file:`manifest.json` is generated by the converter and used by
innoconv-compatible viewers. The included information for both versions differ.


.. code-block:: yaml

     en: Example title
     de: Beispiel-Titel
   languages: en,de

import json
import os

import yaml

from innoconv.constants import MANIFEST_BASENAME

[docs]class Manifest: """Represents course metadata.""" required_fields = ("title", "languages") optional_fields = ("keywords", "custom_content") def __init__(self, data): """ Initialize a manifest. :param data: A dict with the manifest fields as keys :type data: dict """ for field in self.required_fields: try: setattr(self, field, data[field]) except KeyError: msg = "Required field {} not found in manifest!".format(field) raise RuntimeError(msg) for field in self.optional_fields: try: setattr(self, field, data[field]) except KeyError: pass self.toc = []
[docs] @classmethod def from_directory(cls, dirpath): """ Read manifest from content directory. :param dirpath: Full path to content directory. :type dirpath: str :rtype: Manifest :returns: Manifest object """ def _read_manifest_data(file_ext): filename = "{}.{}".format(MANIFEST_BASENAME, file_ext) with open(os.path.join(dirpath, filename), "r") as file: return try: manifest_data = _read_manifest_data("yml") except FileNotFoundError: manifest_data = _read_manifest_data("yaml") return cls.from_yaml(manifest_data)
[docs] @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, yaml_data): """ Create a manifest from YAML data. :param yaml_data: YAML representation of a manifest :type yaml_data: str :rtype: Manifest :returns: Manifest object """ data = yaml.safe_load(yaml_data) return Manifest(data)
[docs]class ManifestEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """JSON encoder that can handle Manifest objects."""
[docs] def default(self, o): """Return dict for Manifest objects.""" # pylint: disable=method-hidden # if isinstance(o, Manifest): manifest_dict = {} # required fields for field in Manifest.required_fields: manifest_dict[field] = getattr(o, field) # optional fields for field in Manifest.optional_fields: try: manifest_dict[field] = getattr(o, field) except AttributeError: pass # extra fields manifest_dict["toc"] = o.toc return manifest_dict return super(ManifestEncoder, self).default(o)