Source code for innoconv.extensions.abstract

Base class for all other extensions.

The AbstractExtension is not instantiated directly but serves as super-class to
all extensions.

[docs]class AbstractExtension: """ Abstract class for extensions. The class all extensions inherit from. The to-be-implemented methods document the available events that are triggered during the conversion process. Extension classes should have a :py:attr:`_helptext` attribute. It's used to display a brief summary. """ _helptext = "" def __init__(self, manifest): """Initialize variables.""" self._manifest = manifest
[docs] @classmethod def helptext(cls): """Return a brief summary of what the extension is doing.""" return cls._helptext
[docs] def start(self, output_dir, source_dir): """ Conversion is about to start. :param output_dir: Base output directory :type output_dir: str :param source_dir: Content source directory :type source_dir: str """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def pre_conversion(self, language): """ Conversion of a single language folder is about to start. :param language: Language that is currently being converted. :type language: str """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def pre_process_file(self, path): """ Conversion of a single file is about to start. :param path: Output path :type path: str """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def post_process_file(self, ast, title): """ Conversion of a single file finished. The AST can be modified. :param ast: File content as parsed by pandoc. :type ast: List of content nodes :param title: Section title (localized) :type title: str """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def post_conversion(self, language): """ Conversion of a single language folder finished. :param language: Language that is currently being converted. :type language: str """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def finish(self): """Conversion finished.""" raise NotImplementedError()