Getting started


innoConv is mainly used on Linux machines. It might work on Mac OS and Windows/Cygwin/WSL. You are invited to share experiences in doing so.


The only dependencies you have to provide yourself is Pandoc and the Python interpreter.

Python 3.7

While other versions of Python might work, innoConv was tested with Python 3.7. Make sure you have it available.


You need to make sure to have a recent version of the pandoc binary available in PATH (Pandoc 2.2.1 at the time of writing). There are several ways on installing Pandoc.


Using pip


In a virtual environment

It’s possible to install innoConv into a virtual environment. Setup and activate a virtual environment in a location of your choice.

$ python3 -m venv /path/to/venv
$ source /path/to/venv/bin/activate

Install innoConv in your virtual environment using pip.

$ pip install innoconv

If everything went fine you should now have access to the innoconv command.

The next time you login to your shell make sure to activate your virtual environment before using innoconv.