Source code for innoconv.utils

"""Utility module"""

import json
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import sys

from innoconv.constants import ENCODING

[docs]def log(msg_string): """Log message to stderr. :param msg_string: Message that is logged :type msg_string: str """ sys.stderr.write("{}\n".format(msg_string)) sys.stderr.flush()
[docs]def to_ast(filepath): """Convert a file to abstract syntax tree using pandoc. :param filepath: Path of file :type filepath: str :rtype: (list of dicts, str) :returns: (Pandoc AST, title) :raises RuntimeError: if pandoc exits with an error """ pandoc_cmd = ['pandoc', '--to=json', filepath] proc = Popen(pandoc_cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) out, err = proc.communicate(timeout=60) out = out.decode(ENCODING) err = err.decode(ENCODING) if proc.returncode != 0: log(err) raise RuntimeError("pandoc process exited with non-zero return code.") loaded = json.loads(out) blocks = loaded['blocks'] try: title = loaded['meta']['title']['c'] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Missing title in meta block in {}".format(filepath)) return blocks, title